Monday, July 6, 2009

Tip #14: Pack a Lunch

How else do I put it? Pack your lunch instead of going out to eat.

My Story: When I was single, had no bills, and lived on the wild side I ate out for lunch (this does not include dinners) at least 3 times a week. When I did not eat out, I usually got a drink and/or dessert to add to my lunch. I figured out that I spent almost $200/month on eating out. If I had packed my lunch, it would only have cost me about $50/month. If I had packed my lunch everyday I would have saved $150/month and $1800/year.

Go Green: If you use reusable containers and do not buy individual packaged items for your lunches you would be saving a lot of trash from the landfills by making your lunch. Going out to eat not only produces a lot of trash, but wasted food as well.

Problem: It's nice to treat yourself every once and a while and I recommend it! But, my point is that eating out all the time is expensive. That money could be going towards more important things like saving for retirement or buying your own home. Even if I had the money to do it, I probably would not do it. It just seems so wasteful to throw your money away on something that you could reproduce yourself for way cheaper.


  1. A mom of a student I had in my class last year created these cool lunchboxes ( which are kind of expensive (like $20) but totally durable and green, since they have little containers that you put food directly in so you don't need ziploc bags. Also, when your kid grows out of using a lunch box, you can recycle it! Anyway, that could possibly save you money, right? See, I'm trying to think like you.... :)

  2. How often is every once in a while when treating yourself? ;-)
